Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Lay Catholic reviews A Religion of One's Own

The Lay Catholic publishes Nancy L. Roberts' review "Two books offer good options for personal spiritual growth in 2014" in which she considers Thomas Moore's A Religion of One's Own and Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent, a compendium organized and annotated by Rami Shapiro. Roberts writes, "If your New Year’s resolution is to grow spiritually, this pair of books will help you get off to a good start." She states:
"Moore’s catholicity and depth shine on every page, as he draws from disparate sources that include Emily Dickinson, Carl Jung and Trappist Father Thomas Merton — as well as Socrates, Buddha and St. Hildegard of Bingen.

However, this is no pastiche but an original and insightful exploration of what gives our lives meaning. Moore’s tone is learned yet conversational; reading his book is like sitting down with a trusted spiritual adviser who gently guides you to a place of special vision.
In this land, Moore helps us see clearly many things, among them: that we are free to learn from the world’s different religious traditions and practice; that the everyday secular world is often full of the sacred, if we only open our eyes; that we must regularly have mystical experiences (think art and nature) to be fully human; and that we should make use of the arts as a means to spiritual insights." 
Roberts, author of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker, directs the journalism program at the University at Albany, State University of New York.
