Saturday, April 05, 2008

Resources for creating more fulfilling work

While talking about Designing a Livelihood, Sanjida Afroz mentions the Buddhist concept of right livelihood, and then the idea of soul making:
"Another ancient spiritual concept, 'soul-making' is making a comeback in both spiritual and psychological circles. Thomas Moore, author of the popular book Care of the Soul, suggests that the spiritual and psychological belong together, that an inquiry into each is a part of soul-making. If the soul lies at the intersection of our spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social and physical selves, then soul-making is about becoming all of who we are. Since for most of us, our work is an important part of who we are, soul-making requires us to look at the people we are at work, at the communities we form there, and at the nature of our work itself."
Afroz talks about many North Americans’ discontent with their jobs; visionaries who have established businesses with uncommon precepts; and concludes with a list of resources for readers interested in creating more fulfilling work.
