Monday, December 10, 2007

Daily monasticism while living in the world

In today’s post about daily reflections at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery in Erie, PA, at Light through Stain-Glassed Windows, Susan Doubet OSB quotes Thomas Moore’s Meditations: On the Monk who Dwells in Daily Life about transformations of religion, including Moore's observation:
"I see religion moving toward a diminishing of dogma,
authority, membership, and belief
and an increase in everyday ritual,
poetic theology, social engagement,
guidance in contemplation, and care of the soul."
Doubet's October 25 post gives authors and titles of books about incorporating monastic approaches in daily life. She lists:

How to be a monastic and not leave your day job
Brother Benet Tvedten, 2006

The monk in the world: cultivating a spiritual life
Wayne Teasdale and Ken Wilber, 2003

Finding sanctuary: monastic steps for everyday life
Abbot Christopher Jamison, 2006

The Family cloister: Benedictine wisdom for the home
David Robinson, 2000

Illuminated life: monastic wisdom for seekers of light
Joan Chittister, 2000

Monk Habits for Everyday People:
Benedictine Spirituality for Protestants

Dennis Okholm, 2007 (Foreword by Kathleen Norris)