Monday, October 22, 2007

Care of the soul will be discussed in Mahtomedi

White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, 328 Maple St., Mahtomedi, Minnesota is offering a 3-week Adult Learning program starting on Nov. 6 that includes discussion of Thomas Moore’s Care of the Soul. The online description for this Special Learning Experience links to a PDF excerpt from Moore’s introduction. This program continues Nov. 13 and Nov. 20 with writings by other authors.
"Experiential and thoughtful, each session will include guided imagery, reflection, sharing, and discussion of writings by Thomas Moore, [Thich] Nhat Hanh, and Vine Deloria, Jr. Leader Lisa Wersal has taught in the Dept. of Philosophy and Religious [Studies] at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire and led numerous discussion and mediation groups as part of church communities."
The church office telephone number: 651-426-2369
The church office email address:
People responsible for the Adult Education program are listed.