Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Honour the artist in you with your soul and passion

In today's blog post, "Creative name calling", Cindy La Ferle describes her art as therapeutic and creative. While she hesitates to call herself an artist, just as she used to question her role as a writer, La Ferle quotes Thomas Moore about the artist in each of us:
"In his landmark bestseller, Care of the Soul (HarperCollins), Thomas Moore insists that art is our birthright. He urges all of us to pull ”The Arts” down from the pedestal that renders them too precious. He reminds us that everyone is an artist when his or her work is crafted with soul and passion.

“Art is not found only in the painter’s studio or in the halls of a museum,” Moore writes. “In fact, when art is reserved as the province of professional artists, a dangerous gulf develops between the fine arts and the everyday arts.”

I often remind students in my writing workshops that every art or craft is as much about process as it is about product."
La Ferle also shares an Emerson quote: "Every artist was first an amateur."