Historical development of archetypal psychology
New Zealand psychotherapist Walter Logeman posts "Sources of Archetypal Psychology" on his Psyberspace blog today. This description is titled "Archetypal Psychology" by Spring Publications in 2002. It mentions Carl Jung, Henry Corbin, James Hillman and others: "Support for the archetypal and psychological significance of myth, besides the work of Jung, comes from Ernst Cassirer, Karl Kerényi, Erich Neumann, Heinrich Zimmer, Gilbert Durand, Joseph Campbell, David Miller, and Charles Boer."
This description also links archetypal psychology with Greek and Renaissance thinkers: "The elaboration of this tradition by Hillman in Eranos lectures and in articles (1973a), by Miller in seminars at Syracuse University, by Lopez–Pedraza at the University of Caracas, and by Thomas Moore’s (1982) and Boer’s (1980) work on Marsilio Ficino gives a different cast to archetypal psychology when compared with Jung’s."
The Planets Within:
The Astrological Psychology of Marsilio Ficino
by Thomas Moore
Paperback: 230 pages
Lindisfarne Books; Revised edition (January 1, 1990)
ISBN-10: 0940262282
ISBN-13: 978-0940262287
This description also links archetypal psychology with Greek and Renaissance thinkers: "The elaboration of this tradition by Hillman in Eranos lectures and in articles (1973a), by Miller in seminars at Syracuse University, by Lopez–Pedraza at the University of Caracas, and by Thomas Moore’s (1982) and Boer’s (1980) work on Marsilio Ficino gives a different cast to archetypal psychology when compared with Jung’s."
The Planets Within:
The Astrological Psychology of Marsilio Ficino
by Thomas Moore
Paperback: 230 pages
Lindisfarne Books; Revised edition (January 1, 1990)
ISBN-10: 0940262282
ISBN-13: 978-0940262287
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