Readers choose Moore's Writing in the Sand
Two recent blog posts recommend Thomas Moore’s Writing in the Sand: Jesus and the Soul of the Gospels. For Advent Book Blog, Heather Cardin writes, "Moore broadly re-reads the Christian Gospels, yet this is not a book solely for Christians; whatever your religious background, it’s for a spiritually-inclined, well-read person who desires deep engagement with ideas of principled and loving transformation." Cardin is a poet and author living in Saskatchewan.
Jamie Broadhurst, vice president of marketing at Raincoast Books in Vancouver B.C., chooses Writing in the Sand as one of his favourite books for 2010. Scroll down the page to read his description. Broadhurst concludes, "It's hard to read Thomas Moore and not have your own ideological or theological preconceptions blown away like, as he says, writing in the sand."
Jamie Broadhurst, vice president of marketing at Raincoast Books in Vancouver B.C., chooses Writing in the Sand as one of his favourite books for 2010. Scroll down the page to read his description. Broadhurst concludes, "It's hard to read Thomas Moore and not have your own ideological or theological preconceptions blown away like, as he says, writing in the sand."
Labels: Thomas Moore, Writing in the Sand
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