Friday, August 14, 2009

Health and death may lead to transformation

On the Sea of Sincerity blog, in a post "Dark Nights of the Soul", a blogger describes her diagnosis of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis before writing that she is reading Thomas Moore's book, Dark Nights of the Soul. Sharing that she is also grieving a family death, the blogger ends her post, "I feel raw as though I am "peeling" or "molting" or in the belly of the whale. I hope I can, like Jonah, be patient and prayerful as I go through this process."

She includes the following from Moore's book:
"A dark night of the soul is not extraordinary or rare. It is a natural part of life, and you can gain as much from it as from times of normalcy."

"I see the dark night of the soul as a period of transformation."

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