Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blogger looks at wedding in Writing in the Sand

SGF, blogging host of The Night Sea Journey writes about starting to read Thomas Moore's new book, Writing in the Sand: Jesus & the Soul of the Gospels, in his post "The Tale of the Wedding at Cana": "So far, it is amazing! [Moore] introduces the wedding at Cana, which is usually referred to as the first of Jesus' miracles, as the "resonant" event in the gospels and the key to the message Jesus was trying to convey to humankind!"

After quoting Moore, SGF continues, "[Moore] also uses Noncanonical gospel passages which really intrigues me. The idea that men left out stories to fit their notion of what was important is proof positive for the need for individual thought and imagination when considering the Bible! I can't wait to read more!"

The blog title is based on a Thomas Moore quote and SGF includes another Moore quote in his profile: "Truth can only be expressed aesthetically — in story, picture, film, dance and music." This is from Dark Nights of the Soul. SGF shares, "The book is the last (and most profound) book that I read just before my wife of 22 years was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She died in December of 2008."

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Sunday, May 03, 2009

Reviewer looks at Writing in the Sand for retailers

Anna Jedrziewski reviews Thomas Moore's Writing in the Sand: Jesus & the Soul of the Gospels for New Age Retailer and posts her comments on According to Jedrziewski, Moore writes, "The gospels present a vision so radical that people have been intimidated by it. For centuries it has been kept hidden beneath thick layers of moral, theological, and devotional camouflage. This book is an unveiling, a revelation, and a resurrection."

Jedrziewski recommends to retailers that they display Writing in the Sand "with John Dominic Crossan’s Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (Crossan was one of Moore’s teachers) and with Stephan Hoeller’s Jung and the Lost Gospels."

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Friday, May 01, 2009

Creativity processes include incubation periods

In today's Innovation on My Mind blog post, Adam Shames talks about an Incubation period during the creative process. Under the headline, "Ode to Incubation (i.e., slacking off)," Shames says,
"Thomas Moore, in his classic audio On Creativity (which I highly recommend), makes clear that stopping, even drying up, is part of the creative process. "We don’t always have to be in a fertile place," he says. "The spring doesn’t have to be bubbling all the time, just as in nature there’s a time seasonally for the rivers and creeks to dry up. In the same way, our own creative process can have its moments of stoppage ... there may be some very good reasons, good results from having a dry period.""
Shames, having studied creativity for more than twenty years, wants his blog to offer "insights, tools and reflections to bring more creativity and innovation to our lives, organizations, education and culture."

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